Our world full of flying discs and great canine athletes has extended. We are happy to introduce a series of online events which makes it possible for anyone to take part in dogfrisbee. Join us in your backyard, in a park, on a meadow or anywhere else and enjoy this FUN competition series.
We have created a concept of online events that not only gives you an opportunity to try official competition disciplines just as a trial. Thanks to all those amazing, great and willing judges you can also get useful and priceless tips on how to improve your routines. To make it even more obvious that this is a fun and relaxed project we have added – in addition to those “serious” placement points – special freestyle jackpots.
And to make it even more interesting for young players, the online cup will also have its Junior winner and there are prices for best Juniors at each event. Below you are going to find everything you need to know about the Cup from the rules, our sponsors to the event´s calendar.

online dogfrisbee cup 2024

Link to the competition

Application form

List of competitors

Organizer: Psí hrátky (Veronika Urbášková)


team – Andrew Han (USA)
dog – Stavit Budin (ISR)
player – Oscar Arevalo (COL)
execution – Sabrina Rossetti (ITA)
T&F – Kristýna Nosková (CZE)


Link to the competition

Application form

List of competitors

Organizer: Iveta Chomátová

team – Israel Rodera
dog – Jennifer Käferböck
player – Marina Fangareggi
execution – Melanie Rheinländer
T&F – Martina Bolehovská



  • Teams are collecting points based on placement at events that are part of the Online Cup. 
  • The competition works via videos that competitors take especially for each event. 
  • Toss´n´Fetch videos are uploaded by players themselves to the particular competition´s FB event, freestyle videos are to be sent to the organiser who then post them on Saturday of the competition´s weekend. On Sunday there is an online announcement of the winners – FS Open, FS Starters, TF, Junior and it´s also announced who got the freestyle bonuses (see. The CUP´s scoring system).  
  • Freestyle – one round of FS by USDDN rules, TF – one round of TF by USDDN rules

General rules

Who can participate: 
Teams consisting of one player and one dog compete. 

  • A dog who is 18 month or older can participate. 
  • One dog can participate with more players. 
  • One player can participate with more dogs. 

The events use USDDN judging criteria for FS and for TF. You can play with any USDDN officially approved competition discs. 

There are no rules saying who can play in which division. If a team registers to Open or Starters division is completely up to the player´s decision. These online events are meant to be a FUN opportunity for teams to play and get some feedback on their routines. However it is expected that players with competition experience from real games are going to register for Open and the Starters division is going to be for beginning teams who would like to get their first “unofficial” competition experience.

Competition videos: 
Each team – a player and a dog – can send one competition video. The video needs to be made especially for the particular competition. It’s not possible to participate with a video from some other competitions or any other older videos. Each organiser sets a special recognition sign for their event (e.g. red socks, colourful bandana etc.).

Videos should be taken in such quality for judges to be able to see what’s really going on so that they can actually score and not only guess. 



  1. Martina Bolehovská a Bejlinka
  2. Massimo Olivieri & Balthazar
  3. Javier Jiménez & Gorda


  1. Martina Bolehovská a Bejlinka
  2. Wiktoria Kretosz a Fryteczka
  3. Digdem Findik a Cako


  1. Alena Smolíková a Foxy
  2. Alena Smolíková a Kira
  3. Martina Bolehovská a Bejlinka

The CUP´s scoring system

All online events count and a team with the highest total score becomes the winner. At the end of the cup – during the Final ceremony in November – there will be announced the overall best 3 teams and the best Juniors (players up to 15 years, 15 years including). Juniors have their separate scoring.

Scoring table

FS Open

FS Starters

FS Junior


TF Junior

1st place – 300 pts

1st place – 100 pts

1st place – 300 pts

1st. place – 50 pts

1st place – 100 pts

2nd place – 250 pts

2nd place – 80 pts

2nd place – 250 pts

2nd place – 40 pts

2nd place – 90 pts

3rd place – 200 pts

3rd place – 60 pts

3rd place – 200 pts

3rd place – 30 pts

3rd place – 80 pts

4th place – 170 pts

4th place – 30 pts

4th place – 170 pts

4th place – 20 pts

4th place – 70 pts

5th place – 150 pts

5th place – 10 pts

5th place – 150 pts

5th place – 10 pts

5th place – 60 pts


6th place – 8 pts

6th place – 50 pts


7th place – 6 pts

7th place – 40 pts


8th place – 4 pts

8th place – 30 pts


9th place – 2 pts

9th place – 20 pts


10th place – 1 pt

10th place – 10 pts

Junior players´scoring: In case of placing on scored places, Junior players get scored the same way as all the other players. In addition to that there is a separate junior scoring where any placement in Open goes higher than placement in Starters division. 

Special freestyle jackpots:

Together for FS Open and Starters:

  • The best show / entertainer – 100 points – for the most entertaining team performance.  
  • The best presentation of the dog – 100 points – gets a player who plays in such a way to make her or his dog “shine” the most even if it can mean lower points in other elements (e.g. easier throws for an inexperienced dog which the dog catches well but losing in Release Diversity; easier team tricks which the dog really enjoys and looks great doing them… ).  
  • The trickmaster (player) – 100 points – for the best disc-magician  

Only for teams with a junior player

  • Team spirit – 100 points – this one is inspired by first competition years of Czech player Martina Bolehovská and her little corgi Danýsek. This jackpot goes to that junior player who motivates his or hers dog the best no matter how well (or not well) it is going and no matter what the final score says.

Rules for online Freestyle

The freestyle competition consists of one round of freestyle by USDDN rules. 

The freestyle is judged by USDDN rules including technical parameters /allotted time, number of discs available etc.) with a couple of adjustments that adapt the game to its online version (see below). 

Offered divisions: 
1/ Open – a division open to all experienced teams and anybody else who have the courage 

2/ Starters – for new and beginning teams (vaults are not scored, see. Judging).

Awards for: 

place in Open
1st-3rd place in Starters

The best Junior of the event – based on points for placement in FS and TF for players 15 years old and younger, for complete info about scoring see The Cup´s scoring.

There is no exact size set but the field of play has to be safe and suitable for dogfrisbee – soft, as non slippery as possible surface without holes and significant bumps. Grass is ideal. 

To make it easier for the judges it’s recommended to “outline” the field by bottles, cones, discs of different colour or by anything else that is safe for the dog. 

Allotted time: 

  • Starters division – 90s from the first throw to the dog 
  • Open division – 120s from the first throw to the dog 

It’s not necessary to cut the video to fit in it to the allotted time. If the team exceeds the time limit the video will be scored by judges up to the last throw in time, but the video will be presented in its entirety (the same way a team can finish their routine at the normal competition). 

USDDN freestyle criteria apply including separate scoring of Player, Canine, Team and Execution. Each element is scored by one judge. In addition to that there is the Czech DDC rule for Starters division – vaults doesn’t count into the total score. Teams can perform vaults but no point are added for vaults. However if there is a “crash” during a vault the USDDN Canine Endangerment Rule applies. In Starters division one dogcatch is enough, Starters teams don’t have to perform two different dogcatches to be fully scored in Dogcatch sub-element. 

A team can use up to 10 discs (see USDDN rules).

    • Feedback from judges: All interested participants will also get tips for improvement and verbal feedback on their routines from the judges. 
  • Execution judging specifics: 
  • Throws caught out of the shot are automatically counted as a miss. 
  • If it is not clear if a throw was caught or not, be it because of an angle of a shot or because of the low quality of the video, it’s up to the judge to decide and the decision is final.

Competition videos for FS: 
It should be taken from the middle of the long side of the field. From the same spot where judges sit at normal competitions. Ideally there should be a dog and a player in each moment of the video. But if you need to choose between taking the dog or the player it’s recommended to take the dog because of the moment of catching.  

Each competitor can send that attempt that worked the best. It’s not necessary to send the first recorded attempt. However each competition video has to be unedited, taken at a stretch – from a pre-routine to the last throw. 

Sending of the videos: The competition video should be sent by a participant to the organiser in the time span set by the organiser. Videos are then uploaded and posted during a competition weekend and the winners are announced and overall results and detailed scores are posted.  


Competing videos need to be recorded without music. Additional music requirements are set individually by each organiser (sending the music in mp3, a link to YouTube…). It has to be in compliance with copyright claims. 

Rules for online Toss´n´Fetch

The TF competition consists of one round of TF by USDDN rules – same as a SPTF just without the central bonus zone. 

TF is judged by USDDN rules including technical parameters (time limit, time start etc.) with a couple of adjustments that adapt the game to its online version (see below).

There need to be distance zones as is said in the USDDN rules (by 10 yards / 9.15 m), but the no other size requirements (a width, a space before the start line, a space behind the 40y line) are not set. The field of play has to be safe for the dog and suitable for dogfrisbee – soft, as non slippery as possible surface without holes and significant bumps. Grass is ideal. 

The distances need to be visibly marked – by cones, bottles, discs of a different colour or by anything else that is safe for the dog and will be clearly visible on the video. 

Allotted time: 
By USDDN rules: each team has 90s from the moment the dog crosses the start line. Ideally the remaining time is announced by the person who is taking the video in the following way: 1 minute, 30 seconds, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. time.

If the video is taken without the assistance of another person the start and the end will be derived from the video´s timeline. 

Competition videos for TF: 
Each competitor has to send the first recorded attempt. Each competition video has to be unedited, taken at a stretch. 

Recording options:

  1. Recorded by another person – from the long side of the field. It’s recommended to follow the dog´s move with a clear shot at a moment of catching and, in case of an air catch, landing.
  2. Recorded by a tripod – from the long side of the field. An universal recording position is +- in the middle of the long side of the field. However for players who throw to the last zone it’s recommended to place the tripod closer to 30, 40y line. 

Sending of the videos: Videos are uploaded by participants themselves to the FB event of the particular competition (directly to FB, or via link to a video on YouTube) during a time span set by the organiser. Videos are scored by a competition´s judge and during a competition weekend the winners and overall results are announced.

In case there is a tie on the podium, the winner will be determined by following tie breaker rules: 

  • A team with a higher total score when all throws are counted becomes the winner: 
    • example – Teams A a B have both 22.5 points: Team A scored 5 x 4.5 and 1 x 3.5 = total of 26 pointsTeam B scored 5 x 4.5 and 1 x 4 = total of 26.5 points – the winner is team B
  • In case there is still a tie, a team that needed shorter time to get 5 best counted catches becomes the winner. 
    •  example – Team A a B have both 22.5 points: Team A scored 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5 – 5th counted throw in time 1:10, 4; Team B scored 4.5, 4.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5 – 5th counted throw in time 1:24; the winner is team A 

past events – results


Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/4758784940883631

Organizer: Veronika Urbášková


Team – Susanne Skladal
Dog– Alena Smolíková
Player– Ania Radomska
Execution – Martin Lev
Toss&Fetch – Iveta Chomátová

Freestyle OPEN: HERE
Freestyle Starters: HERE
Toss&Fetch: HERE

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/959348421609072

Organizer: Iveta Chomátová

Team – Karolina Nowak
Dog – Heather Gallagher
Player – Seiya Nakano
Execution – Nikol Vízková
Toss&Fetch – Nicole Freitag

Freestyle OPEN: HERE
Freestyle Starters: HERE
Toss&Fetch: HERE

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/3319026628238772

Organizer: Radka Tihelková

Team– Patrik Szöcs
Dog– Kaska Krzewina
Player– Terka Brožková
Execution – Petra Lakomá
Toss&Fetch – Kristina Axmanová

Freestyle OPEN: ZDE
Freestyle Starters: ZDE
Toss&Fetch: ZDE

recapitulation of the whole season + announcing the winners


Organizer: Veronika Urbášková

Team –Thomas Fisher 
Dog – Asia Korbal 
Player – Simone Villani 
Execution – Iveta Chomátová 
Toss&Fetch – Markéta Urbášková

Freestyle OPEN: HERE
Freestyle Starters: HERE
Toss&Fetch: HERE

FB Event: HERE

Organizer: Nikol Vízková

Team – Javier Jimenez 
Player – Armon Vaziri
Dog – Christoph Skladal
Execution – Martin Léve Lev
Toss&Fetch – Pavel Ryttnauer

Freestyle OPEN: HERE
Freestyle Starters: HERE
Toss&Fetch: HERE

Organizer: Psí Hrátky Olomouc

Team – Stavit Budin
Dog – Susanne Skladal
Player – Tiziana Solazzo
Execution – Veronika Petrová
Toss&Fetch – Iveta Chomátová

Freestyle OPEN: HERE
Freestyle Starters: HERE
Toss and Fetch: HERE

Organizer: Pavel Ryttnauer

Team – Shaun Hirai
Player – Kosuke Hirai
Dog – Lucka Plevová
Execution – Radka Tihelková
Toss&Fetch – Pavel Ryttnauer

Freestyle OPEN: HERE
Freestyle Starters: HERE

Organizer: Radka Tihelková


Team – Veronika Urbášková
Dog – Michaela Andrová
Player – Martin Lev
Execution – Lucie Schonová

Toss´N´Fetch – Iveta Chomátová

Results: ZDE

recapitulation of the whole season + announcing the winners